लिखो और याद करो in English - likho aur yaad karo in ainglish

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याद करना = REMINISCENCE(Verb)

उदाहरण : जैसे यह याद करना आप आखिरी वक्त शादी पर कब गये थे, उदाहरण के लिए।
Usage : All the reminiscences up to the Ramgarh Congress I was able to write in jail.

याद करना = MEMORIZE(Verb)

Usage : Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?

याद करना = REMEMBER(Verb)

Usage : I cant remember saying any such thing

याद करना = RECOLLECT(Verb)

Usage : I can recollect my school days even today.

याद करना = MEMORISE(Verb)

Usage : Memorise the tables properly.

याद करना = LEARN(Verb)

Usage : I learnt about his mothers demise yesterday only.

याद करना = THINK(Verb)

Usage : Just think-you could be rich one day.

याद करना = RECALL(Verb)

Usage : the recall of our ambassador

याद करना = PLACE(Verb)

Usage : place a order for these pens to the stationer.

याद करना = THINK OF(Verb)

Usage : she looked on this affair as a joke

याद करना = THINK ABOUT(Verb)

Usage : Im thinking about my friends abroad

याद करना = COLLECT(Verb)

Usage : We are collecting for cyclone victims.

याद करना = BETHINK(verb)

उदाहरण : एक और बात का भी अपने आप को याद आना|
Usage : bethink yourself also of another thing.

याद करना = MIND(Verb)

Usage : He does not mind the noise.
He does not mind if I borrow his books.
I do not mind him smoking occasionally.

याद करना = RETRACE(Verb)

Usage : You can 't retrace the footsteps of Abraham. It' s too insecure.

याद करो को इंग्लिश में क्या बोलेंगे?

याद करना {transitive verb} remember {v.t.}

क्या तुम अपना पाठ याद कर रहे हो इंग्लिश में ट्रांसलेट?

English translation : Are you learning your lesson?

याक की स्पेलिंग क्या है?

The domestic yak, also known as the Tartary ox, grunting ox or hairy cattle, is a species of long-haired domesticated cattle found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Northern Myanmar, Yunnan, Sichuan Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia.

पाठ को अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं?

A lesson is a fixed period of time during which people are taught something.