13 एलप य ब ल क

1 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : KnowledgePhilic.com EXAM DATE : 8-March-2018 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination TOTAL MARKS : 200 CANDIDATE NAME : KnowledgePhilic.com EXAM START TIME : 13:30:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:00 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 QID : In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. She has (1)/ reduced her (2)/ consumption to considerably. (3)/ No error (4) 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 Correct Answer: 3 Candidate Answer: 3 QID : In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars as

2 to low (1)/ atmospheric pressure, which is less than 1% of Earth's, (2)/ except at the lowest elevations for short periods. (3)/ No error (4) 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 Correct Answer: 1 Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option. That is cars I know. 1) the worst 2) worst 3) mostly worst 4) one of the worst Correct Answer: one of the worst Candidate Answer: one of the worst QID : In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four

3 and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option. The of many archaic and dilatory procedures have proved to be extremely damaging to our governance and society. 1) caution 2) translation 3) imposition 4) revolution Correct Answer: imposition Candidate Answer: imposition QID : In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. Curtail 1) Prolong 2) Downsize 3) Lengthen 4) Extend Correct Answer: Downsize Candidate Answer: Downsize QID : In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best

4 expresses the meaning of the given word. Inference 1) Beginning 2) Conclusion 3) Preparation 4) Discovery Correct Answer: Conclusion Candidate Answer: Conclusion QID : In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word. Consensus 1) Accord 2) Discord 3) Consent 4) Unity Correct Answer: Discord Candidate Answer: Discord QID : In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.

5 Mould 1) Genuine 2) Shape 3) Slice 4) Sculpt Correct Answer: Genuine Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. In developing countries today P : urban health conditions Q : than rural health conditions R : seem to be better 1) PRQ 2) PQR 3) QRP 4) RPQ Correct Answer: PRQ Candidate Answer: PRQ QID : A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses

6 the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice. The workers are building the house. 1) The house was being built by the workers. 2) The house was built by the workers. 3) The house is built by the workers. 4) The house is being built by the workers. Correct Answer: The house is being built by the workers. Candidate Answer: The house is being built by the workers. QID : A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech. Sneha said to Arjun, Go away. 1) Sneha ordered Arjun to go away. 2) Sneha asked Arjun that he should go away. 3) Sneha say to Arjun to go away. 4) Sneha inquired Arjun to go away. Correct Answer: Sneha ordered Arjun to go away. Candidate Answer: Sneha ordered Arjun to go away.

7 QID : In the following question, a word has been written in four different ways out of which only one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word? 1) Aggrression 2) Aggrresion 3) Aggression 4) Agrresson Correct Answer: Aggression Candidate Answer: Aggression QID : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. When the kerosene burned, the fuel in the tank below would be pressure, and a small circular flame would appear in the burner. The valve had to be opened to let more kerosene vapour to the burner and pumping resumed. With the increase in pressure, the burner flame would spread a loud noise. To lower the flame, the valve had to be opened to reduce the pressure and then tightened until the desired flame size was achieved. you wanted the flame to be bigger, you had to hit the piston again. Pump

8 stoves are still in vogue. below would be pressure 1) inside 2) into 3) about 4) under Correct Answer: under Candidate Answer: under QID : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. When the kerosene burned, the fuel in the tank below would be pressure, and a small circular flame would appear in the burner. The valve had to be opened to let more kerosene vapour to the burner and pumping resumed. With the increase in pressure, the burner flame would spread a loud noise. To lower the flame, the valve had to be opened to reduce the pressure and then tightened until the desired flame size was achieved. you wanted the flame to be bigger, you had to hit the piston again. Pump stoves are still in vogue.

9 and a small circular flame 1) slow 2) slowly 3) slower 4) slowest Correct Answer: slowly Candidate Answer: slowly QID : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. When the kerosene burned, the fuel in the tank below would be pressure, and a small circular flame would appear in the burner. The valve had to be opened to let more kerosene vapour to the burner and pumping resumed. With the increase in pressure, the burner flame would spread a loud noise. To lower the flame, the valve had to be opened to reduce the pressure and then tightened until the desired flame size was achieved. you wanted the flame to be bigger, you had to hit the piston again. Pump stoves are still in vogue.

10 would spread a loud noise. 1) within 2) with 3) at 4) during Correct Answer: with Candidate Answer: with QID : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. When the kerosene burned, the fuel in the tank below would be pressure, and a small circular flame would appear in the burner. The valve had to be opened to let more kerosene vapour to the burner and pumping resumed. With the increase in pressure, the burner flame would spread a loud noise. To lower the flame, the valve had to be opened to reduce the pressure and then tightened until the desired flame size was achieved. you wanted the flame to be bigger, you had to hit the piston again. Pump stoves are still in vogue. had to be opened to reduce

11 1) partly 2) some 3) none 4) everything Correct Answer: partly Candidate Answer: partly QID : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. When the kerosene burned, the fuel in the tank below would be pressure, and a small circular flame would appear in the burner. The valve had to be opened to let more kerosene vapour to the burner and pumping resumed. With the increase in pressure, the burner flame would spread a loud noise. To lower the flame, the valve had to be opened to reduce the pressure and then tightened until the desired flame size was achieved. you wanted the flame to be bigger, you had to hit the piston again. Pump stoves are still in vogue. was achieved. you wanted the flame

12 1) If 2) Nor 3) So 4) Thus Correct Answer: If Candidate Answer: If QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. A bone of contention 1) The only part to which two arguing parties agree. 2) An issue over which there is continuing disagreement. 3) A very expensive inherited property. 4) To be happy with only a few things. Correct Answer: An issue over which there is continuing disagreement. Candidate Answer: An issue over which there is continuing disagreement. QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. Zip your lip

13 1) Keep quiet about something. 2) To talk fast. 3) To not think before speaking. 4) The silence before a storm. Correct Answer: Keep quiet about something. Candidate Answer: Keep quiet about something. QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence. A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force 1) Junta 2) Suffrage 3) Emancipation 4) Egalitarianism Correct Answer: Junta Candidate Answer: Junta QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence. A person who lives outside his native country

14 1) Indigenous 2) Natal 3) Expatriate 4) Intrinsic Correct Answer: Expatriate Candidate Answer: Expatriate QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select "no improvement". At the micro level, the dialectical process of development in India (has now heading) towards another direction. 1) had now heading 2) now heading 3) is now heading 4) no improvement Correct Answer: is now heading Candidate Answer: is now heading QID : In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select "no

15 improvement". I wondered what one would have thought some 40 years ago if you (had said) you could heat liquid using a plastic container. 1) having said 2) had say 3) have saying 4) no improvement Correct Answer: no improvement Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph. Cars were owned by A-only a privileged few and B-my class of society was C-as yet untouched by it 1) ABC 2) CBA 3) CAB 4) BCA Correct Answer: ABC

16 Candidate Answer: ABC QID : In the following question, four words are given out of which one word is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word. 1) arogance 2) arroganse 3) aroganse 4) arrogance Correct Answer: arrogance Candidate Answer: arrogance QID : In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives. Current : Ampere : :? :? न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स स ब धत श द य म क च नए व त व ह : ए पयर : :? :? 1) Air : Kilogram व य : कल म 2) Work : Joule

17 क य : ज ल 3) Pressure : Speed द ब : ग त 4) Temperature : Metre त पम न : म टर Correct Answer: Work : Joule क य : ज ल Candidate Answer: Work : Joule क य : ज ल QID : In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives. 14 : 16 : : 22 :? न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स स ब धत स य क च नए 14 : 16 : : 22 :? 1) 26 2) 29 3) 24

18 4) 28 Correct Answer: 24 Candidate Answer: 24 QID : In the following question, select the related letter/letters from the given alternatives. ART : BSU : : MRV :? न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स स ब धत अ र/ अ र क च नए ART : BSU : : MRV :? 1) KFT 2) NSW 3) MFG 4) NRV Correct Answer: NSW Candidate Answer: NSW QID : In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives. न न ल खत च नए न म दए गए वक प म स वषम श द क

19 1) Car क र 2) Cycle स इ कल 3) Tyre ट यर 4) Truck क Correct Answer: Tyre ट यर Candidate Answer: Tyre ट यर QID : In the following question, four number pairs are given. The number on left side of ( ) is related to the number of the right side of ( ) with some Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives. न च दए गए न म, च र स य य म दए गए ह ( ) क ब य ओर द स य ( ) क द य ओर द गई स य स तक/ नयम स स ब धत ह त न उस एक तक/ नयम क आध र पर सम न ह दए गए वक प म स भ न क च नए

20 1) ) ) ) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives. न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स वषम अ र/ अ र क च नए 1) RTVX 2) GIKM 3) DFIK 4) LNPR Correct Answer: DFIK Candidate Answer: DFIK QID : Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary. 1. Journey 2. Judge 3. Jingling

21 4. Jingle 5. Judgement न न ल खत श द क श दक श म आन व ल अन स र लख म क 1. Journey 2. Judge 3. Jingling 4. Jingle 5. Judgement 1) ) ) ) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : In the following question, select the missing number from the given series. 11, 13, 16, 18, 21,? न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स ल त अ क त क जए

22 11, 13, 16, 18, 21,? 1) 29 2) 25 3) 27 4) 23 Correct Answer: 23 Candidate Answer: 23 QID : A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series. IM, JO, KQ, LS,? एक अन म दय गय ह, जसम स एक पद ल त ह दए गए वक प म स वह सह वक प च नए, ज अन म क प र कर IM, JO, KQ, LS,? 1) NV 2) MU 3) MY 4) NT Correct Answer: MU Candidate Answer: MU

23 QID : In a row of boys, Punit s position from the left end is 33 rd and Ankit s position from the right end is 25 th. After interchanging their position, Punit s position becomes 45 th from the left end. How many boys are there in the row? लड़क क एक प म, प न त क थ न ब य छ र स 33-व ह तथ अ कत क थ न द य छ र स 25-व ह उनक थ न क पर पर बदलन क प च त, प न त क थ न ब य छ र स 45-व ह ज त ह प म कतन लड़क ह? 1) 70 2) 71 3) 69 4) 74 Correct Answer: 69 Candidate Answer: 69 QID : From the given alternatives, select the word which CANNOT be formed using the letters of the given word. Threatened दए गए वक प म स वह श द च नए ज दए गए श द क

24 अ र क य ग करक नह बन य ज सकत ह Threatened 1) Heart 2) Detain 3) Treat 4) Heated Correct Answer: Detain Candidate Answer: Detain QID : In a certain code language, book is tough is written as fu la mi, tough can easy is written as fu muk po and easy not book is written as ti po la. What is the code for tough in that code language? एक व श ट क ड भ ष म, book is tough क fu la mi लख ज त ह, tough can easy क fu muk po लख ज त ह तथ easy not book क ti po la लख ज त ह इस क ड भ ष म tough क क ड य ह? 1) mi 2) po 3) la

25 4) fu Correct Answer: fu Candidate Answer: fu QID : In a certain code language, '-' represents '+', '+' represents 'x', 'x' represents ' ' and ' ' represents '-'. Find out the answer to the following question x 5 12 =? कस न चत क ड भ ष म '-', '+' क द शत करत ह, '+', 'x' क द शत करत ह, 'x', ' ' क द शत करत ह और ' ', '-' क द शत करत ह न न ल खत न क उ र त कर x 5 12 =? 1) 32 2) 8 3) 4 4) 14 Correct Answer: 14 Candidate Answer: 14 QID : The following equation is incorrect.

26 Which two signs should be interchanged to correct the equation? 1 14 x = 12 न न ल खत सम करण गलत ह इस सम करण क सह करन क लए कन द च ह क आपस म अदल -बदल करन च हए? 1 14 x = 12 1) - and + - और + 2) and x और x 3) x and - x और - 4) + and + और Correct Answer: + and + और Candidate Answer: + and + और

27 QID : If 8*2 = 3, 14*18 = -2 and 18*2 = 8, then find the value of 14*10 =? य द 8*2 = 3, 14*18 = -2 और 18*2 = 8, त 14*10 क म न त कर 1) 2 2) -5 3) -2 4) 6 Correct Answer: 2 Candidate Answer: 2 QID : Which of the following terms follows the trend of the given list? XxXXXXX, XXxXXXX, XXXxXXX, XXXXxXX, XXXXXxX,. न न ल खत म स क न स पद द गय स च क म क अन स र ह? XxXXXXX, XXxXXXX, XXXxXXX, XXXXxXX, XXXXXxX,. 1) xxxxxxx

28 2) XxXXXXX 3) XXXXXXx 4) XXxXXXX Correct Answer: XXXXXXx Candidate Answer: XXXXXXx QID : An auto-rickshaw picks a passenger and travels North 6.5 km, then it turns to its left and rides for another 1.5 km, then it turns South and rides for 2.5 km, then it turns to its left and rides 1.5 km. Where is the auto now with respect to its starting position? एक ऑट र श व ल एक य क अपन र श म बठ त ह और उ र क ओर 6.5 क.म. क य करत ह, फर वह अपन ब ई तरफ म ड़ ज त ह और आग 1.5 क.म. तक ज त ह, फर वह द ण क तरफ म ड़त ह और आग 2.5 क.म. तक ज त ह, फर वह अपन ब ई तरफ म ड़त ह और आग 1.5 क.म. तक ज त ह अपन श आत थ त क स ब ध म वह ऑट अब कह ह? 1) 9 km North

29 9 क.म. उ र 2) 4 km South 4 क.म. द ण 3) 4 km North 4 क.म. उ र 4) 9 km South 9 क.म.द ण Correct Answer: 4 km North 4 क.म. उ र Candidate Answer: 4 km North 4 क.म. उ र QID : In the question two statements are given, followed by two conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements. Statement I: No bikes are two-wheelers Statement II: All wheels are bikes Conclusion I: No two-wheelers are wheels Conclusion II: All wheels are two-wheelers न म द कथन दय गय ह जसक आग द न कष I और

30 II नक ल गय ह आपक म नन ह क द न कथन स य ह च ह वह स म यत: त त य स भ न त त ह त ह आपक नणय करन ह क दए गए न कष म स क न-स / क न-स न चत प स कथन र सह नक ल ज सकत ह /सकत ह, य द क ई ह कथन I: क ई भ ब इ स द प हय व हन नह ह त कथन II: सभ प हय ब इ स ह त ह न कष I: क ई भ द प हय व हन प हय नह ह त न कष II: सभ प हय द प हय व हन ह त ह 1) Only conclusion I follows क वल न कष I सह ह 2) Only conclusion II follows क वल न कष II सह ह 3) Both conclusions I and II follow द न न कष I और II सह ह 4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows न त न कष I सह ह न ह न कष II Correct Answer: Only conclusion I follows क वल न कष I सह ह Candidate Answer: Only conclusion I follows

31 क वल न कष I सह ह QID : 144-1) FGDH 2) FGK 3) FHJD 4) GK Correct Answer: FGDH Candidate Answer: FGDH QID : A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

32 LOP, MPQ, NQR, ORS,? एक अन म दय गय ह, जसम स एक पद ल त ह दए गए वक प म स वह सह वक प च नए, ज अन प र कर LOP, MPQ, NQR, ORS,? 1) QTU 2) QST 3) PST 4) PTU Correct Answer: PST Candidate Answer: PST QID : In the following question, select the missing number from the given series. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,? म क न न ल खत न म दए गए वक प म स ल त अ क त क जए

33 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,? 1) 22 2) 24 3) 20 4) 26 Correct Answer: 20 Candidate Answer: 20 QID : In the following question, four groups of three numbers are given. In each group the second and third number are related to the first number by a Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives. न च दए गए ह न म, त न स य ओ क च र सम ह दय गए य क सम ह म द सर तथ त सर स य पहल स य स कस एक तक/ नयम स स ब धत ह त न उस एक तक/ नयम क आध र पर सम न ह दए गए वक प म स भ न क च नए

34 1) (2, 3, 4) 2) (4, 5, 6) 3) (6, 7, 8) 4) (4, 6, 8) Correct Answer: (4, 6, 8) Candidate Answer: (4, 5, 6) QID : 148-1) 2) 3)

35 4) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : 149 -

36 1) 2) 3) 4) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : 150 -

37 1) 43,69,13,56 2) 30,75,11,97 3) 10,98,79,95 4) 44,79,11,57 Correct Answer: 10,98,79,95 Candidate Answer: 10,98,79,95 QID : 151-1) (43-37) 2) ( )

38 3) ( ) 4) 10 Correct Answer: ( ) Candidate Answer: ( ) QID : 152-1) ) ) ) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : For which value of g the linear graph of 6x + 12y +9 = 0 and 2x + gy + 3 =0 has infinite number of solutions? g क कस म न क लए, 6x + 12y + 9 = 0 और 2x + gy + 3 = 0 क र ख य फ म सम ध न क अन त स य ह?

39 1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 9 Correct Answer: 4 Candidate Answer: 4 QID : What is the area (in square units) of the figure enclosed by the graphs of the lines x = -4, x = 2, y = -2 and y = 3? x = -4, x = 2, y = -2 और y = 3 र ख ओ क फ़ र स ल न आ कड़ क फल ( व यर इक इय म) य ह? 1) 12 2) 24 3) 15 4) 60 Correct Answer: 15 Candidate Answer: 60 QID : AB is a chord of the circle and its center is O. ON is perpendicular to AB. If the length of

40 AB=20 cm, ON-(2 11) cm, find the radius (in cm) of the circle. AB व त क ज व ह और व त क क O ह य द AB क ल ब ई 20 स. म., ON-(2 11) स. म. ह, त व त क य (स. म. म) त क जय 1) 10 2) 12 3) 13 4) 15 Correct Answer: 12 Candidate Answer: 12 QID : The largest chord of the circle has a length of 20.4 cm. The radius of the circle will be. व क सबस बड़ ज व क ल ब ई 20.4 स म ह व क य ह 1) 10.2 cm 10.2 स म 2) greater than 10.2 cm

41 10.2 स म स बड़ 3) greater than and equal to 10.2 cm 10.2 स म स बड़ य बर बर 4) less than 10.2 cm 10.2 स म स कम Correct Answer: 10.2 cm 10.2 स म Candidate Answer: 10.2 cm 10.2 स म QID : Length and breadth of a rectangle are increased by 40% and 70% respectively. What will be the percentage increase in the area of rectangle? एक आयत क ल ब ई तथ च ड़ ई क मश 40% तथ 70% स बढ़ य गय ह आयत क फल म कतन तशत क व ह ग? 1) 118 2) 110 3) 138 4) 128

42 Correct Answer: 138 Candidate Answer: 138 QID : Rs 6300 is divided among A, B and C in the ratio of 1/2 : 1 : 3/5. What is the share (in Rs) of B? 6300 क A, B तथ C म 1/2 : 1 : 3/5 क अन प त म वभ जत कय गय ह B क ह स ( म) य ह? 1) ) ) ) 4200 Correct Answer: 3000 Candidate Answer: 3000 QID : U and V started a business by investing amounts Rs and Rs respectively. If U s share in the profit received at the end of year is Rs 20700, then what will be the total profit (in Rs) earned by them together?

43 U तथ V न मश तथ क र श नव श करक एक य प र श कय य द वष क अ त म त ए ल भ म U क ह स ह, त उनक र मलकर कम य गय क ल ल भ ( म) य ह ग? 1) ) ) ) Correct Answer: Candidate Answer: QID : What is the average of first 19 odd numbers? थम 19 वषम स य ओ क औसत य ह? 1) 9.5 2) ) 19

44 4) 38 Correct Answer: 19 Candidate Answer: 19 QID : A sum becomes Rs 1392 in 2 years and Rs 1488 in 3 years at simple interest. What is the rate (in percentage) of interest per annum? एक र श स ध रण य ज स 2 वष म 1392 तथ 3 वष म 1488 ह ज त ह त वष य ज क दर ( तशत म) य ह? 1) 8 2) 10 3) 12 4) 8.5 Correct Answer: 8 Candidate Answer: 8 QID : Selling price of a table is Rs If profit percentage is 17%, then what is the cost price (in Rs) of table?

45 एक म ज़ क व य म य 2808 ह य द ल भ तशत 17% ह, त म ज़ क य म य ( म) य ह? 1) ) ) ) 3285 Correct Answer: 2400 Candidate Answer: 2400 QID : The marked price of a chair is 40% more than its cost price. If the chair is sold for Rs 520 after a discount of Rs 40, then what will be the profit percentage? एक क स क अ कत म य उसक य म य स 40% अ धक ह य द क स क 40 क छ ट क प च त 520 म ब च गय ह, त ल भ तशत य ह ग? 1) 33 2) 40

46 3) 25 4) 30 Correct Answer: 30 Candidate Answer: 30 QID : Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE? I. 2 3 > 3 2 II. 4 2 > 2 8 न न ल खत म स क न स /स कथन स य ह /ह? I. 2 3 > 3 2 II. 4 2 > 2 8 1) Only I क वल I 2) Only II क वल II 3) Neither I nor II न त I न ह II 4) Both I and II I तथ II द न

47 Correct Answer: Neither I nor II न त I न ह II Candidate Answer: Neither I nor II न त I न ह II QID : X, Y and Z can do a piece of work in 30, 40 and 50 days respectively. All three of them began the work together but Y left 4 days before completion of the work. In how many days was the work completed? X, Y तथ Z एक क य क मश 30, 40 तथ 50 दन म प र कर सकत ह त न मलकर क य क श आत करत ह पर त Y क य सम त ह न स 4 दन प व क य छ ड़कर चल ज त ह क य कतन दन म प र आ ह ग? 1) 660/47 2) 640/47 3) 680/47 4) 665/47 Correct Answer: 660/47 Candidate Answer: 660/47 QID : A train is moving at the speed of 72 km/hr. How many seconds will it take to cover a

48 distance of 1400 m? एक र लग ड़ 72 क.म./घ ट क ग त स चल रह ह 1400 म. क द र तय करन म वह कतन स क ड ल ग? 1) 70 2) 80 3) 72 4) 84 Correct Answer: 70 Candidate Answer: 70 QID : The second highest expenditure is for which item? द सर सव धक यय कस मद पर कय ज त ह?

49 1) Labour म 2) Storage भ ड रण 3) Legal क न न 4) Machine Lease मश न क इज र Correct Answer: Machine Lease मश न क इज र Candidate Answer: Machine Lease मश न क इज र QID : 168 -

50 What is the total expenditure (in Rs lakhs)? क ल यय (ल ख म) य ह? 1) ) 900 3) ) 1100 Correct Answer: 1200 Candidate Answer: 1200 QID : 169 -

51 The measure of the central angle of the sector representing Machine Lease is degrees. मश न क इज र क त न ध व करन व ल क ण क म प ड ह क क य 1) 70 2) 75 3) 80 4) 90 Correct Answer: 75 Candidate Answer: 75 QID : 170 -

52 Expenditure on Labour and Research constitute what percent of total expenditure? म और अन स ध न पर कय ज न व ल यय क ल यय क कतन तशत ह? 1) 10% 2) 12%

53 3) 7.5% 4) 8.33% Correct Answer: 8.33% Candidate Answer: 8.33% QID : The length of the diagonal and the breadth of a rectangle are 17 cm and 8 cm respectively. Find its perimeter (in cm). एक आयत क वकण क ल ब ई और उसक च ड़ ई मश 17 स.म. और 8 स.म. ह इसक प रम प (स.म. म) त कर 1) 92 2) 46 3) 42 4) 84 Correct Answer: 46 Candidate Answer: 46 QID : The area of a semicircle is 1925 cm 2. Calculate its perimeter (in cm). एक अधव क फल 1925 वग स.म. ह इसक

54 प रम प (स.म. म) क गणन कर 1) 360 2) 80 3) 160 4) 180 Correct Answer: 180 Candidate Answer: 180 QID : The surface area of a sphere is 5544 cm 2. Find its diameter (in cm). एक ग ल क सतह क फल 5544 वग स.म. ह इसक य स (स.म. म) त कर 1) 42 2) 21 3) 84 4) 63 Correct Answer: 42 Candidate Answer: 42 QID : ABC is right angled at B. If m A = 45, then find the value of (cosecc + 1/ 3). ABC म B पर समक ण ह य द m A = 45 ह, त

55 (cosecc + 1/ 3) क म न त कर 1) (3 2+1)/3 2) (2+ 3)/2 3) 5/ 3 4) ( 6+1)/ 3 Correct Answer: ( 6+1)/ 3 Candidate Answer: ( 6+1)/ 3 QID : In UVW measure of angle V is If cosecu = 13/12, and UV = 2.5cm, then what is the length (in cm) of side VW? UVW म क ण V क म प 90 0 ह य द cosecu = 13/12 और UV = 2.5 स.म., त भ ज VW क ल ब ई (स.म. म) य ह? 1) 6.5 2) 6 3) 4 4) 5.6 Correct Answer: 6 Candidate Answer: 6 QID : In which of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned

56 individually? न न ल खत अथ यव थ म स क न उ प दन क क रक पर य 1) Capitalist प ज व द 2) Socialist सम जव द 3) Mixed गत व म व रखत ह? म त 4) Both Capitalist and Socialist प ज व द और सम जव द द न Correct Answer: Capitalist प ज व द Candidate Answer: Capitalist प ज व द QID : Which committee was set up to review the concept of the poverty line? गर ब र ख क अवध रण क सम स म त ग ठत क गई थ? क लए क न-स

57 1) S Tendulkar Committee एस तद लकर स म त 2) Lakdawala Committee लकड़ व ल स म त 3) Wanchoo Committee व च स म त 4) Dutt Committee द स म त Correct Answer: S Tendulkar Committee एस तद लकर स म त Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Which of the following places presents the oldest evidence of Neolithic Era? न न म स क न-स थल नवप ष ण य ग क च नतम म ण 1) Chirnd चर द 2) Mehrgarh म हरगढ़ 3) Burghome त त करत ह? ब जह म

58 4) Daimabad द म ब द Correct Answer: Mehrgarh म हरगढ़ Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Which mosque is considered to be the style of Bengal style in Agra? आगर म कस म ज त ह? जद पर ब ग ल श ल क भ व म न 1) Nagina Masjid नग न म जद 2) Moti Masjid म त म जद 3) Jama Masjid ज म म जद 4) Badshahi Masjid ब दश ह म जद Correct Answer: Nagina Masjid नग न म जद Candidate Answer: Jama Masjid ज म म जद

59 QID : According to the distance of planets from the Sun, which of the following order is correct? स य स बढ़त द र क अन स र ह क न न ल खत म स क न-स म सह ह? 1) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars ब ध, श, प व, म गल 2) Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus ब ध, प व, म गल, श 3) Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus ब ध, म गल, प व, श 4) Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth ब ध, म गल, श, प व Correct Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars ब ध, श, प व, म गल Candidate Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars ब ध, श, प व, म गल QID : How many states of India have seashore?

60 भ रत क कतन र य म सम तट ह? 1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) 10 Correct Answer: 9 Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Amir Khusrow was the disciple of whom? अम र ख सर कसक श य थ? 1) Mirza Ghiyas Beg मज़ य सब ग 2) Nizamuddin Auliya नज म न औ लय 3) Asadulla Beg असद ल ब ग 4) Sheikh Salim Chisti श ख सल म च त Correct Answer: Nizamuddin Auliya नज म न औ लय Candidate Answer: Mirza Ghiyas Beg

61 मज़ य सब ग QID : Which year has been set as goal for completing the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project operated with the help of Japan? ज प न क सह यत स स च लत म बई-अहमद ब द ब ल ट न प रय जन क प र करन क लए कस वष क ल य नध रत कय गय ह? 1) ) ) ) 2025 Correct Answer: 2023 Candidate Answer: 2022 QID : Krishna Sobti is the recipient of the 53rd Jnanpith Award. Which of the following books has not been written by her? क ण स बत 53व नप ठ प र क र क तकत ह न न ल खत म स क न-स प तक उनक र नह लख गई ह?

62 1) Daar Se Bichhudi डर स बछ ड़ 2) Mitro Marjani म मरज न 3) Zindaginama ज दग न म 4) Vishw Mithok Sarit Sagar व मथक स रत स गर Correct Answer: Vishw Mithok Sarit Sagar व मथक स रत स गर Candidate Answer: Mitro Marjani म मरज न QID : Which of the following countries border does not touch China? न न ल खत म कस द श क स म च न स नह लगत ह? 1) Cambodia क ब डय 2) Laos ल ओस 3) Vietnam

63 वयतन म 4) Myanmar य म र Correct Answer: Cambodia क ब डय Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Rayon is obtained from which among the following? र य न न न ल खत म स कसस त कय ज त ह? 1) Silk र शम 2) Wood pulp क ठ ल गद 3) Wool ऊन 4) Cotton कप स Correct Answer: Wood pulp क ठ ल गद Candidate Answer: Silk र शम

64 QID : Which of the following can be beaten and converted into thin sheets? न न ल खत म स कसक प टकर पतल च दर म प रव तत कय ज सकत ह? 1) Zinc ज त 2) Phosphorus फ फ रस 3) Sulphur स फर 4) Oxygen ऑ स जन Correct Answer: Zinc ज त Candidate Answer: Zinc ज त QID : Prime Minister of India is de-facto head of which of the following bodies? I. NITI Aayog II. National Integration Council

65 III. Indian Board of Wildlife भ रत क ध नम न न ल खत म स कन नक य क व त त: म खय ह त ह? I. न त आय ग II. र य एकत प रष III. भ रत य व य ज व ब ड 1) Only I क वल I 2) Only II क वल II 3) Both II and III II तथ III द न 4) All I, II and III I, II तथ III सभ Correct Answer: All I, II and III I, II तथ III सभ Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Which type of city administration controls larger urban area?

66 नगर श सन क क न स क र बड़ शहर क नय ण करत ह? 1) Nagar Panchayat नगर प च यत 2) Municipal Council नगरप लक प रषद 3) Municipal Corporation नगर नगम 4) No option is correct. क ई वक प सह नह ह Correct Answer: Municipal Corporation नगर नगम Candidate Answer: Municipal Corporation नगर नगम QID : Which among the following is NOT an event during the photosynthesis process? न न ल खत म स क न स क श स ल षण म क द र न एक घटन नह ह? 1) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll पणह रत ( ल र फल) र क श उज क अवश षण

67 2) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy क श उज क र स य नक उज म प तरण 3) Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen जल अण ओ क ह इ जन तथ ऑ स जन म अपघटन 4) Oxidation of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates क बन ड इऑ स इड क क ब ह इ ट म ऑ स करण Correct Answer: Oxidation of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates क बन ड इऑ स इड क क ब ह इ ट म ऑ स करण Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called. सबस छ ट व हक ए ज एक क शक य म ट ह त ह, कहल त ह 1) vena cava मह शर 2) arteries धम नय 3) veins शर ए 4) capillaries

68 क शक ए Correct Answer: capillaries क शक ए Candidate Answer: capillaries क शक ए QID : In September 2017, who launched Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat Yojna? सत बर 2017 म, ध नम एलप ज प च यत य जन क ल क पण कसन कय? 1) Narendra Modi नर म द 2) Dharmendra Pradhan धम ध न 3) Piyush Goyal प य ष ग यल 4) R.K. Singh आर.क. स ह Correct Answer: Dharmendra Pradhan धम ध न Candidate Answer: Dharmendra Pradhan धम ध न

69 QID : What are the names of the two identical long tailed macaques cloned by the Chinese Scientists? च न क व नक र ल न कए गए द अ भ न ल ब -प छ व ल मक क क न म य ह? 1) Long Hong and Zhua Zhua ल ग ह ग तथ झ आ झ आ 2) Zhong-Zhong and Hua Hua झ ग-झ ग तथ आ आ 3) Tailong and Shanua त ल ग तथ श न आ 4) Rongla and Shamone र गल तथ शम न Correct Answer: Zhong-Zhong and Hua Hua झ ग-झ ग तथ आ आ Candidate Answer: Rongla and Shamone र गल तथ शम न QID : India was able to achieve the fiscal deficit target for the Financial Year It was how much percent of GDP?

70 भ रत व य वष क लए र जक ष य घ ट ल य ह सल करन म सफल रह वह ज ड प क कतन तशत थ? 1) 3.50% 2) 4.20% 3) 3.00% 4) 2.50% Correct Answer: 3.50% Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : On 10 April 2017, Lok Sabha Passed the Motor Vehicles Act (Amendment) Bill, Under the new provisions, the compensation for death increased from Rs 25,000 to. 10 अ ल 2017 क, ल कसभ न म टर व हन अ ध नयम (स श धन) वध यक, 2016 प स कय नए वध न क अ तगत म य क लए म आवज 25,000 ह गय स बढ़ कर 1) Rs 2 lakh or more

71 2 ल ख अथव अ धक 2) Rs 5 lakh or more 5 ल ख अथव अ धक 3) Rs 10 lakh or more 10 ल ख अथव अ धक 4) Rs 15 lakh or more 15 ल ख अथव अ धक Correct Answer: Rs 2 lakh or more 2 ल ख अथव अ धक Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : Find the current (in A) when a charge of 500 Coulomb flows in 25 seconds. य द 500 क ल ब क आव श 25 स क ड क लए व हत ह त ह त ध र क गणन (A म) कर 1) ) 20 3) 40 4) 6250 Correct Answer: 20 Candidate Answer: 20 QID : During motion of an object

72 along a straight line, the velocity remains constant with time. कस व त क ग त क द र न समय क स थ इसक व ग नयत रहत ह 1) linear सरल र ख य 2) translational स प 3) uniform एकसम न 4) equilibrium स य Correct Answer: uniform एकसम न Candidate Answer: uniform एकसम न QID : The tropical region has generally a hot climate because of its location around the. उ णक टब ध य क जलव य स म यत: गम ह त ह

73 य क य क आसप स थत ह त ह 1) poles व 2) southern hemisphere द ण ग ल 3) high altitudes अ धक उ च ई 4) equator भ म यर ख Correct Answer: equator भ म यर ख Candidate Answer: equator भ म यर ख QID : Which of the statements given below are correct? A) United Arab Emirates hosted the Badminton 2017 BWF World Senior Championships. B) Johanna Konta won the Tennis 2017 Miami Open Women's Singles. C) Grigor Dimitrov won the Tennis 2017 US Open Men's Singles.

74 न न ल खत म स क न स कथन स य ह? A) स य अरब अम र त न ब ड म टन 2017 ब ड य एफ व ड स नयर च पयन शप क म जब न क B) ज ह न क ट न ट नस 2017 मय म ओपन व मस स ग स ज त C) ग र द म व न ट नस 2017 य एस ओपन म स स ग स ज त 1) Only B क वल B 2) Only C क वल C 3) B and C B और C 4) A, B and C A, B और C Correct Answer: Only B क वल B Candidate Answer: A, B and C A, B और C QID : In Microsoft Word, under character formatting is used to apply colors to the

75 characters. म इ स ट वड म, क र टर फ़ म ट ग क अ तगत, क उपय ग स त क क र गन क लए कय ज त ह 1) Font style फ ट श ल 2) Font color फ ट क र ग 3) Effects भ व 4) Size आक र Correct Answer: Font color फ ट क र ग Candidate Answer: Font color फ ट क र ग